
Heather L. Read, Professor,Psychology, Behavioral Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering, University of Connecticut. Publication List , Researchgate Page

Heather L. Read, Pubmed Bibliography MyNCBI Link:

Heather L. Read and Alex Reyes, “Sensing Sound Through Thalamocortical Afferent Architecture and Cortical Microcircuits”, Handbook of Auditory Research

Marrouch, N., Slawinska, J., Giannakis, D. et al. Data-driven Koopman operator approach for computational neuroscience. Ann Math Artif Intell 88, 1155–1173 (2020). (LINK)

Monty A. Escabi,  Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering & PsychologyUniversity of Connecticut. Publication List